Before reaching out, please be informed of the specifications & pricing of each truck! LEARN MORE GET IN TOUCH! * First Name Last Name Company Name Email * What truck(s) are you interested in? * For more information, visit the "Our Models" page! 1/3 Scale Semi Truck 1/3 Scale Dump Truck 1/3 Scale Cabover Truck 1/3 Scale Billboard TV Truck 1/3 Scale Tow Truck Other (If you are inquiring about something different, explain below) Explain the design such as colors, artwork, accessories etc..., * For semi-trailer models, list the trailer(s) you want with your tractor. Is there a deadline? If so, please specify. Have you read through the pricing and options portion of the trucks? * Located in the description of each truck page, check out the "Our Models" page for more information. Yes No Thank you!